Kate is a committed and experienced Principal at Olvera Advisors, with an extensive career honed within the NSW public sector. Leveraging her deep expertise and firsthand experience in public service operations, Kate collaborates with Olvera’s clients to strengthen their engagement with governments, working side by side with clients to navigate complex challenges effectively.
Kate has vast expertise across multiple portfolio areas, including central agencies, planning, transport, infrastructure, social and economic policy, telecommunications and emergency management. Her skills include navigating complex environments and working effectively with stakeholders across government, industry and the community.
Throughout her career, Kate has been both personally and professionally committed to promoting social equity and inclusion, leading high-performing teams and nurturing emerging leadership talent. Over the years, she has built a reputation within the industry as an agile problem solver who tackles difficult issues head-on.
Significant Engagements
Deputy Secretary, CEO and Executive, NSW Government: Managed multiple portfolios including arts and culture, tourism, aboriginal affairs, industrial relations, telecommunications and transport.
Family Planning Australia: Led significant initiatives such as transforming the People and Culture program, developing the Digital and Cyber Security Strategy and revising the corporate services functions.
Cultural Infrastructure: Program Led the $3 billion Cultural Infrastructure Program projects including Powerhouse Parramatta, Castle Hill and Ultimo, Theatre Royal, Walsh Bay Arts Precinct, and Project Sydney Modern.
NSW Arts Policy: Lead the whole-of-government approach to the NSW Arts, Culture and Creative Industries Policy Creative Communities.
First Nations COVID-19 Response: Led planning and coordinated COVID-19 responses with First Nations communities across NSW, particularly in regional and remote areas.
NSW Closing the Gap: Implemented the NSW Plan for Closing the Gap to address the five state priorities and 17 key focus areas across health, wellbeing, environmental and economic factors.
COVID Rescue and Restart: Led the COVID Rescue and Restart program for the arts sector, including $300 million to keep the sector operational.
Public Safety Network: Led design, build and operation of the expanded public safety radio network, an essential system for front-line services to save lives and protect property
Opal Card: Drove design, development and implementation of Opal smartcard ticketing system in the greater metropolitan area.
DEIT: Established the portfolio for arts, sport and tourism in the Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade as the inaugural Group Deputy Secretary.
Community Policy Reforms: Established the Community Engagement function in Premier and Cabinet, bringing agencies responsible for Aboriginal Affairs, Industrial Relations, and Heritage NSW together to drive policy reforms.
NSW Telco: Reformed the strategy and delivery of programs in the NSW Telco Authority and the operation of its services
Transport NSW: Established the customer division in Transport for NSW and the reforms to its customer services including implementing new digital capabilities.
Olvera Advisors
Dec 2024 - Present
Kate spearheads Olvera’s initiatives with government entities, delivering tangible results for the public good.
Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade
Group Deputy Secretary, Arts, Sport and Tourism
Jan 2022 – October 2023
Responsible for the portfolio of agencies such as Create NSW, Australian Museum, Sydney Opera House, Museum of Applied Arts and Science, Art Gallery of NSW, NSW Office of Sport, NSW Institute of Sport and Destination NSW.
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Deputy Secretary, Community Engagement
May 2019 – July 2022
Accountable for agencies in the DPC Cluster within the Special Minister of State portfolio, such as Aboriginal Affairs NSW, Create NSW, Industrial Relations NSW, and the Cultural Institutions and State Archives and Records Authority.